What We Do & Why We Do It.

vision, mission & objectives

There exists so much opportunity for local churches to do profound good within their communities.


Mobilizing the local church to become a key provider in affordable housing as a demonstration of God’s love for all peoples.


To envision, empower and equip local churches to purposely engage in poverty relief and community building through the development and operation of affordable housing where people are loved, supported and accepted.



  • Partner with local churches to develop and operate contextually appropriate non-market housing; shaping project specific objectives that are well-aligned with their mission and goals. 

  • Provide an “alternative vision” for churches considering the sale or subdivision of their land.

  • Enable local churches to better steward and leverage their land: retaining it for current good, fair financial return and future use. 

  • Share development expertise, society infrastructure, management and operational costs across multiple projects; thereby creating an economy of scale, and a reliable non-profit development society that churches can trust. 

  • Where opportunity exists, leverage mutually beneficial partnerships with “for-profit” developers enabling  further economy of scale while bringing social meaning and resident care to “for-profit” affordable housing components.